Students’ creativity brings light to Wolfson patients

Students’ creativity brings light to Wolfson patients

By Morgan McGovern and Erin Corbett


During the Lenten season, the 7th graders at San Jose Catholic School were asked to come up with ideas for a project to give back to the community.

Morgan came up with the idea of taking three strips of bandanas and braiding them together into a bracelet.  She thought it would be a good idea to put little quotes on them and donate them to Wolfson Children’s Hospital.

Together, Erin and Morgan led their homeroom classes in the project.  It took about four weeks to complete more than 100 bandana bracelets.

Just before school recessed for the summer, Erin and Morgan delivered the bracelets to the hospital

“The kids are allowed to wear the bandana bracelets during their chemo treatments” Morgan said.

The girls enjoyed delivering the bracelets.

            “We learned that the kids appreciate people who spend their time thinking about them,” said Erin.

Unfortunately Morgan and Erin were not of age to personally deliver the bracelets to the children at the hospital, but a nurse took the bracelets to the children for them.

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