New Year, New Look

New Year, New Look

Talk about getting a fresh start in the New Year — the new Balis Park in San Marco Square promises to redefine the neighborhood shopping area with green space and safer pedestrian passages.
The San Marco Preservation Society, San Marco Merchants Association and other volunteers launched a charge to raise funds for the project last month.
The Autumn in the Park farm to table fundraising dinner at nearby Davin Park helped mobilize support.
During the dinner, volunteers shared ways the community could support the effort and ongoing maintenance expenses. One of the organization’s biggest fundraising pushes is the sale of personalized brick pavers, bike racks, Live Oak trees and park benches. Brick pavers are being sold for a $100 donation, but bike racks and Live Oak trees with donor plaques will cost $1,000 and park benches with donor plaques cost $2,000.
For more information on the project, visit or search Balisparksanmarco on Facebook.

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