Connecting By Caring Campaign

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We do not have non-profit status, but guarantee that 100% of your contribution will go toward supporting local businesses in our community during the difficult time.

Your donation will be processed securely on PayPal’s servers. Please leave us a note in the donation form if you would like to remain anonymous.

For more information, please call our
Director of Sales, Debra McGregor at (904) 885-6031.

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Let’s Help Each Other

For 13 years, The Resident Community News Group has brought you  neighborhood  news that is not found through other media sources.  In the pages of our two newspapers, we’ve covered and reported on a multitude of news stories and social events – from charity functions to graduations, career successes to intimate celebrations, as well as  milestones in the lives of readers, all of which are the backbone of social life in tight, loyal communities. 

Most of that coverage isn’t – and probably won’t ever be –
found anywhere else but within the pages of our publications,
The Resident Community News, Circles- Social Datebook & Charity Register and Historic Life- Community and Newcomers Guide. As you know, our magazine, Circles, is the only publication of its kind in Northeast Florida. It’s dedicated to the amazingly effective power of philanthropic giving and the work of nonprofits in our community. Within its pages we have commemorated  local donors’ time, talent, and treasure, which have transformed, and will continue to transform, the neighborhoods and city we love so much.

Now, The Resident Community News Group needs the help of those we showcase and celebrate. It’s no secret that many small businesses are in deep trouble with the spread of the Coronavirus and the economic shutdown. We, too, are a small business, and we rely completely on advertising to produce our high-quality publications. Many of those small businesses can no longer afford to advertise and without their advertising dollars, our abilities are limited in size and scope. 

While there are small business loans to pursue as part of the federal stimulus bills, those loans only help pay the salaries of our small staff for a month or two. They do not cover the cost of printing the publications or mailing the newspapers to you each month, as we have faithfully done for more than a decade. The cost is staggering when our budgets are slashed, and we’re working hard to mitigate our own deficits while  still managing to deliver The Resident

We are asking that you consider making a financial contribution by way of an AD Campaign or a directed donation, a win-win for your favorite charity or charities and/or local business of choice. We respectfully request and appreciate any show of support and multiplier of effect, as we deliver to thousands of otherwise ‘socially distanced’ readers.

We’ve always been here working hard for our community, and we hope, with your help, to continue being the conduit to the community for many decades to come. Please review the other included materials on this page, it tells a compelling story that illustrates the impact of our ability to amplify your messages via The Resident.

With gratitude,
Pamela and Seth WilliamsPublishers

Letter to the Editor

To the Publisher of the Resident Community News:

I’d like to thank The Resident Community News for being a big champion and supporter of Clara White Mission and its services during the 26 years I’ve been at the mission. I especially appreciate the coverage you have given us during this time of COVID-19. It’s been very hard to share the needs and challenges of the Clara White Mission during this crisis, and it is our hope that we can continue to serve our breakfasts-to-go during this time.

Thanks to the article by Marcia Hodgson that ran in the April edition of The Resident News and was shared with your readers throughout Jacksonville’s historic communities, the Clara White Mission was able to get a gift from the Jaguars, an abundance of food from First Watch, in addition to furniture from the Haskell Company, which it can offer its client base once we are open again. Because of the support of Resident News readers, we will be able to offer several more breakfasts at this time. Each day, we feed anywhere from 295 to 320 people, and those individuals count on us for a hot meal.

Also, the article talked about the front-line staff that is still serving the homeless, and through the Resident’s coverage we were able to get some more volunteers to help at the mission. Most of the volunteers we have are usually seniors, but because of the article, we were able to get some younger volunteers to come, and this will enable us to continue our 116-year service to the community.

I salute the Resident News for keeping our community in touch by printing good and challenging articles that assist organizations and nonprofits like the Clara White Mission, so that we can continue to do all the good that we can, in all the ways that we can, to all the people we can, while we can.

I also salute the Resident News for keeping the community abreast of the many organizations that continue to do good in our community. I just want to say that I really, really appreciate that your staff are hands on in downtown and all around. I appreciate that you take the initiative to reach outside of your comfort zone, and I love that you are willing to cover topics that are sensitive and relatable. Not only does your paper talk about the good things and the successful things, but you also talk about the challenges with a twist, and I really appreciate that because your paper really is a game-changer in the community.

Most sincerely,
Ju’Coby Pittman
President and CEO
Clara White Mission