Up with music for the First Coast

Executive Director of the Northeast Florida Conservatory, Richard Dickson, and Nashville vocal coach, Lorna Greenwood, have decided to join forces to develop “The Song Café.” The program is designed to offer First Coast kids of all ages the opportunity to participate in ongoing musical variety shows. Musical production and planning are under way and performances are being scheduled for 2013.
Auditions for singers, actors and dancers will be held at the Northeast Florida Conservatory, located at 11363 San Jose Blvd., Building 200. Audition dates and times are Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, September 8, at 1 p.m. Please be sure to bring an accompaniment CD, MP3 or sheet music in for your audition song, along with a head shot and bio/resume. Call (904) 374-8639 to inquire.

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