Baptist Health heart specialist performs groundbreaking procedure

Baptist Health heart specialist performs groundbreaking procedure
Baptist Health medical team is first in the region to use Synergy Megatron stent for High-risk heart procedures.

Cardiologist Salil Patel has performed the first procedure in Northeast Florida using Boston Scientific’s Synergy Megatron stent during a recent coronary procedure to eliminate blockages in patient Saundra Martin’s heart.

The Synergy Megatron stent is the first to be purpose-built for large, proximal vessels – those that are closest to the aorta, the main artery that carries blood away from your heart to the rest of the body. In the past, patients with blocked arteries might need bypass surgery, which is more invasive and requires more recovery time. Cardiologists are now able to use stents in some of these patients.

Martin first came to Baptist Medical Center Beaches with shortness of breath and heart pain, and while there she had a small heart attack. Further diagnosis showed severe blockage in the main artery and the two major arteries branching from the main artery. Her heart function was declining rapidly, and she reached a point where she was no longer a candidate for heart surgery. Dr. Patel felt the team at Baptist Heart Hospital could safely treat her with a complex stent procedure, and with this new stent, the outcome would be positive.

“Mrs. Martin was out of options. She was declining fast,” said Dr. Patel. “We reviewed all the treatment options available and felt we could be successful [with this stent].”

He chose to use the Synergy Megatron because of its design, which makes it stronger and allows it to adjust to the varied sizes within the artery. In addition, its material is a proprietary platinum aluminum chromium alloy that makes it more visible on angiography, which is a type of X-ray used to check blood vessels.

Martin’s procedure went well, and she has returned to her normal activities such as walking, playing Bingo and visiting with her grandchildren.

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