Donna Deegan elected next mayor of Jacksonville, announces transition team co-chairs

Donna Deegan elected next mayor of Jacksonville, announces transition team co-chairs
Mayor-elect Donna Deegan with the Co-Chairs of her Transition Leadership Team. Left to right: Kevin Gay, Nat Glover, David Miller, Donna Deegan, Lakesha Burton, Darnell Smith. Photo courtesy of Mayor-elect Deegan team.

Democrat Donna Deegan has been elected the next mayor of Jacksonville and the first woman to hold the title in city history.

Deegan emerged the victor in a runoff election against Republican Daniel Davis on May 16 with 52.08% of the 217,392 votes cast.

Deegan took to Twitter the evening of the election to celebrate her victory stating, “Love won tonight, and we made history. We have a new day in Jacksonville because people chose unity over division—creating a broad coalition of people across the political spectrum that want a unified city.”

She continued: “Together, we will bring change for good to Jacksonville by making good on the decades-long broken promises on infrastructure, building an economy that works for everyone and improving access to healthcare. We will break down the wall between City Hall and bring all the people in to create a city that works for everyone.”

In his concession speech, Davis expressed his support of the mayor elect and his continued support for the City of Jacksonville.

“I just want to let you know I’m going to do everything I can to make sure Mayor Elect Deegan’ is successful in making Jacksonville the best Jacksonville it can be,” he said. “I love my city. I will never stop loving my city.”

On Thursday, May 25, Deegan held her first news conference at City Hall, announcing the co-chairs of her Transition Leadership Team.

“Today, I am excited to announce our Transition Team Co-Chairs. They are a brilliant group of leaders who collectively embody our guiding values, the culture we strive to create,” she said. “They come from across the political spectrum and all work with relentless optimism to lift our city, to bring this beautiful mosaic we call Jacksonville together for its greatest good. I couldn’t be more grateful to have them by my side as we prepare our administration. They have and will continue to serve as wise counsel for me.”

The co-chairs of the transition team, a representation of “Jacksonville’s political diversity,” include former candidate for Jacksonville sheriff and retired Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Assistant Chief Lakesha Burton, former Jacksonville Mayor John Delaney, Operation New Hope Founder Kevin Gay, former Jacksonville Sheriff Nat Glover, Brightway Insurance Co-Founder and Executive Chairman David Miller and Florida Blue North Florida Market President Darnell Smith.

“Our administration will be guided by the principle that every person should have a voice in City Hall and a seat at the table,” Deegan continued. “Transparency, accountability and innovation will be at the center of all of our decisions as we build a bridge to the next generation and industries of the future.”

By Michele Leivas
Resident Community News

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