Youth and Greenscape team up for Columbus Park

Youth and Greenscape team up for Columbus Park

In July, Greenscape hosted a service project for St. Mark’s Episcopal Youth for Christ youth group. Rising 5th and 6th graders braved the summer’s heat to provide care and maintenance for trees in Columbus Park, a pocket park on Iroquois Avenue in Ortega. 

The park has been stewarded by Ortega Forest resident Harrison Conyers and was created to honor his grandparents, George and Hazel Ulsey. In recent years, Greenscape has donated 28 trees to provide the next-generation canopy as the current trees begin to age out. The youth group provided water, fertilizer, weeding, mulch and trash pick-up. 

Greenscape’s new program manager, Shanell Davis-Bryant, also gave a talk on the importance of the urban forest, the contribution trees make to the environmental health of an area and to the well-being of a community. 

“We sure didn’t need to sell the importance of shade that July day,” said Executive Director Lisa Grubba. “If it weren’t for the shade, we would’ve had to cancel the project. It was that hot. But the kids were great sports, and we appreciated their help. As they grow up, we hope they’ll keep an eye on the trees they cared for and feel a sense of pride from contributing to their community in such a tangible way.” 

To help Greenscape plant and maintain trees, send an email to [email protected]


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